"Always Accountable" is the sixth episode of the sixth season of the post-apocalyptic horror television series ''The Walking Dead''. It aired on November 15, 2015, on AMC, and was written by Heather Bellson and directed by Jeffrey F. January. The episode focuses on Abraham, Sasha and Daryl's plotlines after the events of "Thank You". ==Plot== Daryl (Norman Reedus), Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green) and Abraham (Michael Cudlitz) arrive at the 20-mile marker set for leading the herd away from Alexandria and turn left on Route 642 to head back home. A group of gun-wielding assailants ambushes them in cars. As they flee, Daryl crashes on his bike and is separated from Sasha and Abraham. Sasha and Abraham soon crash their car and emerge from the wreckage with guns blazing. They defeat their attackers but flee when they hear reinforcements arriving. Daryl eludes his attackers and quietly walks his motorcycle through a burnt-out forest littered with charred walker bodies. He tries to radio Sasha and Abraham but gets no response. As he inspects a wound on his arm, he hears a noise nearby. He hides his bike under a pile of branches and finds two sisters, Tina (Liz E. Morgan) and Honey (Christine Evangelista), with their hands up. Just then, a man (Austin Amelio) knocks him out from behind. As Daryl drifts in and out of consciousness, he sees his captors rummage through his supplies. The man pegs Daryl as a soldier from an outpost – one of the men who originally attacked them on Route 642. He wakes Daryl at gunpoint the next morning. Daryl insists he isn't who they think he is, but the man, only referred to as "D", doesn't believe him. As they march through the woods, D declares that they are not returning to the community they came from, because they don't want to "kneel" anymore. D lays out a plan to find "Patty" and then leave immediately. He describes how he and Honey burned the entire forest with the walkers in it and later joined up with a community, thinking naively that they would rebuild society together. Daryl tries to convince D to let him go, but to no avail. They eventually arrive at a gated parking lot full of walkers and start to panic when they notice that "Patty" is gone. As Tina faints, Daryl takes advantage of the situation, grabbing their duffel bag and escaping into the woods. There, he again tries to radio Sasha and Abraham without luck. He then finds insulin in the duffel bag, realizing that Tina is a diabetic. Meanwhile, Sasha and Abraham deduce that their attackers had intended to ambush someone else. Sasha insists that Daryl will try to regroup with them and that the best way to find a tracker like Daryl is to let him find them. They soon reach a nearby town, where Sasha writes "Dixon" on the door of an office building. Abraham eagerly takes out his knife to slay a walker down the block but Sasha warns him against leaving evidence for the attackers to trace their whereabouts. Inside the building, Sasha situates herself in an office as a walker pounds on the glass wall of an adjacent conference room. She asks Abraham if he wants to sleep or stand watch, with him opting for the latter. Later, Abraham tells Sasha that he's eager to kill the walker in the conference room. Sasha calls him out for being reckless, telling him that everyone is accountable for their choices. Abraham shrugs her off and insists on standing watch throughout the night. Back in the woods, Daryl returns Tina's insulin and forces D to hand over their gun as well as a wooden figurine that the man had carved. They're interrupted by the arrival of men in a truck. Wade (Darin Cooper), the leader of the assailants, orders D and the two girls to return what they took. After Daryl helps them flee and gives their gun back to D, he lures one of Wade's men into the path of a walker, which bites the man. Wade hacks off the man's arm and calls off the search while talking on the radio to another man in their group. "He only wanted to take this so far," Wade tells his men. "He only wants ass that's willing." The next morning, Abraham finds an abandoned Humvee containing RPGs and a box of cigars. He spots a walker impaled on a bridge fence and eyes the RPG launcher strapped to its back. Abraham climbs onto the fence to get the launcher, dangling precariously over the edge and grappling face-to-face with the walker. The walker snaps at him and Abraham finally backs off, yelling in frustration. As he returns to the Humvee to smoke a cigar, he watches the impaled walker's rotted shoulder slide completely through the fence post, dropping it to the ground and only leaving behind the launcher, dangling by its strap. Abraham brings the RPG back to the office and admits to Sasha that she was right about his recklessness. He commends her for calling him on his bullshit and declares he would like to get to know her better. Daryl's group comes across a burnt and melted greenhouse, in which Tina recognizes two dead people inside, encased in melted glass. As she lays flowers at their side, the corpses suddenly awake and startle her. As a result, Tina falls on both glass enclosures (first the right one, then the left), breaking them and getting trapped between now-free walkers. The latter attack the girl and kill her, after which Daryl puts down the walkers. Daryl and D dig a grave for Tina, during which Daryl asks him the same three questions used to recruit new people to the prison: How many walkers have you killed, how many people have you killed, and why. Satisfied with D's answers, Daryl invites them to come live in Alexandria, not giving details about its name or location. After he brings D and Honey to his motorcycle, D turns his gun on Daryl and forces him to hand over the crossbow. D and Honey get on the bike and ride off. Later, Daryl finds a fuel truck in the woods branded "A.A. Pattrick Fuel Co." Its license plate reads "PATTY002". He kills the walker in the cab and drives it out of the woods, where he meets back up with Abraham and Sasha. Together, they drive down the road in the fuel truck, where Daryl tries to radio Rick. After hearing some static, Daryl tries again and they make out Eugene's (Josh McDermitt) unidentified voice faintly replying "help". 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Always Accountable」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク